Japan Australia Pages

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tiger Woods Apology Video

Golfer Tiger Woods apologizes, admits he cheated and says he is undergoing therapy. In his first public statement since allegations of infidelity arose in November, Tiger Woods issued a public apology from PGA Tour headquarters in Florida on Friday. “I owe it to my family to become a better person.” Woods said, “I do plan to return to golf one day.” In a 13.5 minute statement carried live by major TV networks and cable channels, Woods apologized for his marital infidelity.

The Ultimate Guide To Golf.

Tiger Woods Apology Video


  1. Tiger has proven he’s no Bobby Jones or Jack Nicklaus — at best he’s golf’s Pete Rose. Don’t care? Then you also don’t care that golf is a game of character separate from the drugs-sex-violence-cheating sordid behavior or “celebetes” in other big-money pro sports.

  2. Tiger has certainly dropped down the top list and how much harm this has caused his image only time will tell. I have lost a lot of respect for him and the so called values he was meant to uphold.
