Japan Australia Pages

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Green Tea Antioxidant Wonder

Green Tea is the antioxidant wonder. Japan and Asian cultures have long appreciated and used the health benefits of green tea. Western cultures are only now beginning to recognize the health preserving benefits of green tea. Researches now know that green tea is a powerful antioxidant with compounds that can shield you from many harmful diseases including cancer and heart disease. It is now known that green tea improves cardiovascular health, reduces the risk of cancer and helps with weight loss.

Green tea comes from the same plant as black tea, but is harvested at a younger age. It is consumed fresh, rather than roasted like black tea. Green tea is thus less processed and retains more of its nutrients and antioxidants than black tea.
One of these compounds is EGCG, which is a substance with 25 to 100 times the antioxidant power of vitamins C and E. In fact, just one cup of green tea has more antioxidants than a serving of broccoli, spinach, carrots, or strawberries.

Green Tea has been proven helpful at:

Protecting joints against osteoarthritis
Preventing total body inflammation
Lowering your LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels
Preventing excess hormone activity
Shielding your body from abnormal cell growth
Protecting against lung cancer
Aiding weight loss
Improving your metabolism
Boosting your immune system
Improving skin cells
Destroying harmful bacteria that can poison your system
Preventing tooth decay

I recommend drinking quality Japanese Green Tea such as Sencha, which has a perfect balance of sweet and bitter flavours, and Gyokuro, which has a naturally sweet aftertaste and soft aroma.

Green Tea is really an antioxidant wonder that can help you with its health benefits and antioxidant power.
Source: Dr. Michael Cutler`s Natural Health Answers

How To Make Your Own Green Tea -
Lose Weight, Cure & Prevent Many Diseases!!
Green Tea Is The Hottest Health & Fat Loss Product Today.
Learn how to make your own Green Tea At Home Today

Green Tea Extract can offer you a convenient way to obtain all the health benefits of Green Tea in a concentrated form.


  1. Hello.
    Can I ask permission to publish this post of yours in my little blog? This is my little blog: Green Tea Wonders I can give you the credit of course. Would you allow me please?


  2. Hello Green Tea Wonders, that will be fine, but please give me credit for the post and a link back to my website.


    Japan Australia

  3. So delicious! I love drinking matcha latte or just the real thing. Hard to get in Europe though but getting more and more popular these days!

    1. Thanks Daphne, I love the taste and its good for you as well. It has started to become more popular in Australia mainly due to its health benefits. I love living in Japan because there are so many different varieties to choose from :)


  4. Do u add anything such as honey, or just drink it plain?

    1. Thanks Anon, I don't usually add anything. I love the bitter flavour of Matcha and if I want something sweeter usually go for a good Sencha or Gyokuro tea.


  5. I live green tea, it's so Yummy; I've been drinking since I was 12, that makes it 6 years now! It's hard to get in England though, They only sell the Twining's variation in most stores.

    1. Thanks Bethan, Green Tea is really good and I love the different varieties they have here in Japan. Do you have any Japanese supermarkets or Asian Grocery stores near you? They might have a few Japanese varieties.

  6. useful info about green tea but i've a doubt.here in Malaysia i bought green tea from Supermarket but after i make it in a cup,the tea color was in plain yellow and not green. is it ori and can i get same benefit as u said

    1. Thanks Yogeswary, There are many different kinds of green tea and not all of them are a green colour as you might expect. Some are yellow while others golden brown. Do you know the name of the tea?

  7. Very useful info ! By the way iam living in dubai and can find mostly of twinings green tea bags and lipton green tea bags .. By the way which among these are preferred according to you...thanks

    1. Thanks Anon, I only prefer the Japanese brands if I can find them as I know they are the best from my experience. Do you have an Asian supermarket near you? You can sometimes find Japanese brands in there.
