Japan Australia Pages

Monday, June 27, 2011

Changes to Japan Australia

No, you haven’t made a mistake. This is still Japan Australia.

I just decided to make a few changes to the Blog.

What do you think?

After a year and a half of the same design, I thought it would be nice to have a change. I decided to go with a mountain scene which reminds me of my home in Gifu, Japan and the blue colours give it a nice calm/relax feeling.

Let me know what you think of the changes and please feel free to post any comments.


  1. I really like the new design.

    This new interface is really usable, and actually reminds me a little of twitter.com (transparent panels and rounded edges).

  2. Thanks Lina, hopefully it is a lot easier to read the posts.

    Thanks JTM, appreciate the positive feedback and comments.

  3. great! feels very comfortable.

  4. Thanks Antleeli, glad you feel comfortable and hope you continue to enjoy the blog.
