Japan Australia Pages

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Uniqlo is a new style Japanese clothing company that makes good causal clothing available for all to wear. Uniqlo clothing is simple, really affordable and offers high end quality. Uniqlo is Japan’s leading clothing retail chain in terms of both sales and profit. They have also spread their wings overseas and operate throughout Asia, the UK, France, and US. Good news for Australia is Uniqlo is looking to set up shop in Australia and are reportedly set to open in 2012.

Here is a look at some of Uniqlo's Summer Dry Polo shirts in Japan
from Uniqlo website http://www.uniqlo.com/jp/

The Secrets Of Speaking Japanese Fluently


  1. Love UniQlo. :)

    And they finally opened stores in KL. WOhoo!

  2. Thanks Lina, Me too!! I can't wait!! How are the prices in KL compared to Japan?

  3. We have their stores in H.K. too, good price and choice of colour, love it :)

  4. Be great if the prices are the same or close here in Oz.I bought some seamless sports type underwear that was great for cycling in normal and cycling clothes.Less tah $10 Aus. each great value and lasted quite a while.

  5. @Japan Australia,
    Double the price, but that's pretty understandable.

    But that said, I think I still prefer to pay in yen and in Japan for my UniQlo stuff. ;p

  6. They have really cutting edge stores and advertising too, great brand Uniqlo.

  7. Thanks Antleeli, H.K. is one of the lucky places in Asia that have Uniqlo. Glad to hear the prices are good and I also love all the colours and variety they have.

    Thanks Llewellyn, yes it would be great if the prices here were comparable with Japan as Uniqlo offers great quality and value for the price.

    Thanks Lina, sorry to hear that the price are double in KL. Hope it is not the same in Australia.

    Thanks JTM, They do have cool cutting edge stores and great ads in Japan.
