Japan Australia Pages

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Easy to Cook Japanese Recipe Omuraisu (Rice in Omelette)

Photo by JanneM
This month's easy to cook Japanese Recipe is Omuraisu. Omuraisu is a popular Japanese dish that can be called a fusion dish (yoshoku) as it combines a classic omelette with chicken rice. It is usually topped with ketchup and is a popular dish at home or in a restaurant.

Serves 2


• 3 eggs
• salt
• cracked black pepper
• vegetable oil
• 100g chicken breast
• ½ small onion, peeled and chopped
• 4 tbsp fresh or frozen green peas, cooked
• 4 tbsp fresh or frozen corn, cooked
• 4 mushrooms
• 2 cups of warmed cooked rice
• tomato sauce
• a few sprigs of parsley


1. Beat eggs in a bowl with a pinch of salt and pepper.
2. Heat up a frying pan and oil lightly.
3. Pour in ¼ beaten egg and cook until the surface becomes dry.
4. Transfer to a plate and repeat to make 3 more omelettes.
5. Cut chicken breast into 0.5cm cubes and add to frying pan with onion, stir-fry until cooked.
6. Add green peas, corn and mushrooms, season with salt and pepper to taste while stirring.
7. Add warmed rice to pan and stir, combining rice with other ingredients.
8. Lay an omelette on an individual plate and place half of the rice mixture on one half. Fold over the other half of the omelette.
9. Drizzle tomato sauce decoratively over the omelette and garnish with fresh parsley.

Easy To Follow Steps To Create Over 108 Top Japanese Recipes!


  1. I am not sure i would like the ketch-up but it's a complete meal! :)

  2. Thanks DeeBee L, it is a complete meal and the ketchup makes it for me. You can also get/make Omuraisu with demi-glace or a white cream sauce :)

  3. One of those recipe that I wanted to make because Son loves it but never really got around doing i. ;)

  4. i love eating this :3 i kinda want to visit a jap maid eatery because of this post X3

  5. Thanks Lina, it is an easy to cook recipe that tastes great & kids love it. Just draw a smiley face on top with the ketchup :)

    Thanks aMz88, I love it, too :)

  6. this is definitely a great blog since it is updated regularly...

    it would be incredible if the recipes are updated weekly
