Japan Australia Pages

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Miyajima Travel Guide

Image from JNTO
Miyajima is a 40 minute trip by tram and ferry from downtown Hiroshima. Most people know Miyajima for its famous giant torii gate, which seems to float on top of the water. The island has been deemed a sacred place since ancient times and is now classified as a “Special Place of Scenic Beauty” in Japan.

The first thing you notice on arrival are the welcoming committee of deer. Several hundred deer roam freely on the 30sq km island, attaching themselves to tourists, who supply them with food.

The must see sights on Miyajima include:

Itsukushima Shrine – A Shinto Shrine built partly over the sea and Miyajima’s most visited attraction. It was first built in the 6th century with its present form dating from around 1168. It is ranked as one of Japan’s three best views.

Senjo-kaku – The Pavilion of 1000 Mats was built in 1587 by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. It looks out on a colourful five storey pagoda dating from 1407.

Mt Misen – At 530m it is Miyajima’s highest point and is reachable by cable car or a path through the forest to the top. There is a 9th century Buddhist temple near the summit.

Daoshoim Temple – A beautiful temple at the foot of Mt Misen, where 500 Buddhist statues are displayed.

Miyajima is a great day trip from Hiroshima, but there are quite a few places to spend the night including about 20 ryokan (Japanese style inns) and modern style B&Bs.

Miyajima is still a relatively undiscovered wonder for the foreign tourist to Japan, so be sure to put it at the top of your list for your next visit to Japan.

Image from JNTO


  1. Absolutely wonderful place to visit - would definitely recommend it for any one visiting the Hiroshima area, would also recommend staying overnight as there is so much to do and see on this beautiful island. Visited in 2010 and have every intention of going back.

    1. Thanks r0bf0s, totally agree with you and should be visited along with Hiroshima. Miyajima can be done in a day, but it is quite a rush, so would be great to stay overnight in a ryokan and enjoy the experience. We are hoping to go back soon as well :)

  2. I love Miyajima Island! I went there for a school trip, and it's one of the most memorable places I've ever been.
    We went hiking to the top of the mountain, and on the way back down, we found a lot of small waterfalls the we could relax by in the sun. It was great :D

    1. Thanks Alyse, It is a magical place and something that you will never ever forget. I wish I could have spent more time there and look forward to returning one day :)

  3. I would love to visit one day. It sounds wonderful.

    1. Thanks Lisa, Put it on the top of your list as it is that good :)

  4. Welcoming committee of deer? :D That sounds like a good enough reason to go.

    Actually Miyajima has been on my list of must-see places for a long time. One day, one day ...

    1. Thanks Rurousha, Nothing better than a welcoming committee of deer, kind of like Nara. You have to make a trip here as it is a very special place. Try and stay overnight if possible, so you can enjoy the experience longer :)

  5. Hey! I named yours as one of my most inspiring blogs in the "Very Inspiring Blogger Awards." Check it out: http://aussieontheizu.blogspot.jp/2012/04/very-inspiring-blogger-awards-and.html ^_^

    1. Thanks Sarah, Much appreciated and a great surprise :)

  6. Itsukushima Shrine is under reconstruction at the moment and might make for a disappointing visit... when I was there in the summer you could enter some parts of the shrine but most was surrounded by tarpaulin and scaffolding. I'm not sure when the repairs are scheduled for completion sorry.

    1. Thanks Sophelia, for the great tip. Kind of like Himeji-jo at the moment. I'll have to look into it.

  7. Ah yes, if you go near Hiroshima, Miyajima is a must-see :) It has a special atmosphere.. It's very touristy, but when you go further it gets more naturally beautiful. And just seeing the deer walk around freely was something that I'd never seen before. It's funny how they looked really tired but when they saw food their eyes would just lit up :)

    1. Thanks from Finland, Definitely a must see with Hiroshima and I would even recommend spending at least 2 days at Miyajima to fully explore and enjoy the experience. Deer is always a pleasant surprise. Have you seen the ones at Nara koen?

  8. Love Miyajima.

    One of those places I don't visiting again despite the gaggle of tourists that would come and visit (including me!) xD

    1. Thanks Lina, I've only been once, but look forward to visiting again soon. I love Hiroshima city, which reminds me so much of my hometown of Melbourne :)
