Japan Australia Pages

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tonjiru Pork Soup Recipe

This Month’s Easy to Cook Japanese Recipe is Tonjiru, which is a Japanese soup made with pork and vegetables, flavoured with miso.

This is one of my favourite Japanese soups along with Miso Soup. It contains mainly root vegetables and is a real comfort food.

Serves 4


• 200g pork fillets, thinly sliced
• 1/3 carrot, peeled and sliced
• 100g fresh or frozen gobo (burdock)
• 100g pumpkin, cut into wedges
• 100g daikon, peeled and sliced
• 4 cups dashi
• 3 shiitake mushrooms
• 1 clove garlic, crushed
• vegetable oil
• 2 tbsp light brown miso, mixed with 2 tbsp sake
• 1 small amount fresh ginger, finely sliced
• 1 spring onion stem
• shichimi (Japanese seven-spice)


1. Prepare the pork, vegetables and garlic.
2. Heat a little vegetable oil in a saucepan, add pork and stir for a minute.
3. Add carrot, burdock, pumpkin, daikon, shiitake, dashi, and garlic while stirring.
4. Simmer for 30 minutes over a low heat.
5. Add miso and ginger and cook for another minute.
6. Serve in individual bowls, topped with spring onion. Sprinkle shichimi over the soup.

• Other ingredients are also great in this soup like sweet potato, potato and konnyaku (Japanese yam potato)


  1. I shouldn't read your food posts early in the morning before I've eaten. Now I'm very hungry. Is it acceptable to have pork soup for breakfast?! :D

    1. Thanks Rurousha, It is acceptable any time of the day in my book! We do have miso soup for breakfast, so there is nothing wrong with tonjiru as part of your breakfast :)

  2. Definitely giving this a go! Thanks for the cool recipe :)

    1. Thanks Sarah, Give it a go as it is one of my favourites and full of great stuff. Let us know how you go :)

  3. Looks like an interesting recipe, and a soup we've definitely had at lunch time. Thought I'd note that dashi comes in dry packets or as liquid stock of boninto and combu. If you don't want to make your own stock you can just add water and dashi packets.

    1. Thanks MTJ, It is a soup full of flavour and lots of veg along with pork. Liquid stock is probably the best, but can be quite expensive, so the dry packets is a quick and easy alternative that most people would use. I hope you give this one a try :)

  4. Of course, I'd have to change the pork to something else, but this is a great, easy to follow recipe. ;)

    1. Thanks Lina, You could easily do that and it would be like a hearty Miso Soup, which is also nice :)

  5. Look delicious!! When I saw the image, I thought it was ramen lol
    I think I'll try to make this sometime :D

    1. Thanks Alyse, Yeah, it kind of looks like Tonkotsu (pork bone) ramen, which is also really good. I hope you give it a try :)
