Japan Australia Pages

Friday, May 11, 2012

Japanese Ice Bra

Japan’s hot and humid summers have led to many great ideas and inventions to try and stay cool and beat the summer heat. Last summer it was the Air Conditioned Jacket.

The latest is a bra with built in ice packs that promises to keep women cool this summer. The ice bra from underwear firm Triumph Japan dubbed the “Super Cool Bra” was unveiled on Wednesday. The bra features a pair of small fish tanks encompassing the breasts, a traditional Japanese wind chime and a mint leaf.

How does it all work?

The cups are filled with a gel that remains soft and supple even when frozen, giving the wearer a cool sensation. The mint gives a refreshing fragrance, while the sound of the wind chimes is a pleasant cooling sound during the Japanese summer.

A lot of these ideas and gadgets have come about due to the need to save energy in Japan after the recent nuclear reactor disaster and especially so during the long hot summers. The Cool Biz campaign has started again, urging people to dress down for work to stay cool and avoid the need to have the aircon on high.

Check out the video below featuring the models wearing the new ice bra


  1. So ... is there something similar for men? Ice boxers? ;)

    1. Thanks Rurousha, I don't know, but would love to find out. I've been told its not a good idea for us guys to be cool down there.


  2. Errr... I'll pass. hahaha ;p

    1. Come on Lina, It would make a great souvenir from Japan with its wind chime and fish tank.


  3. Lol, I wonder if you could wear it under your regular clothes? O:

    1. Thanks Chi, I think you should be able to and is a pretty smart idea for the hot summers in Japan :)


  4. That will make for some hard nipples.

  5. I think it would be hard to find a shirt to go over that bra... You'd have to cover up to keep the bra shape from being seen, no? That kind of defeats the purpose, unless you want to wear it like a bikini top. Hmm... seems more like a novelty item than practical office wear.

  6. Thanks StarBrooke, I think this version was just a publicity stunt with the fish tank and wind chime, but a more practical version of the bra will be developed by Triumph. It makes sense and would be a great idea without the gimicks :)

  7. Hmmm. Might give that one a miss!

    1. Thanks Lisa, probably a good idea at this stage. Let's see how it develops and comes along. Might start a wave of new cool technology clothing :)


  8. I heard about those, but honestly they WON'T help to fight the horrible heat in summer! ;P

    1. Thanks Zooming Japan, Yes, it is meant to be a hot one this summer in Japan and I believe that air cons will still be on quite a high setting again. I hope you get through OK.


  9. That's hilarious! This can only be in Japan.. How do they get this idea? Very funny, thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Daphne, It is pretty cool and funny at the same time. It does have some good practical uses but in this promotion is pretty silly. Only in Japan :)

