Japan Australia Pages

Monday, July 2, 2012

Summer Activities in Japan

Summer is the time for festivals, food and fireworks in Japan. The white winter landscape has been covered in lush greenery with the sounds of cicadas shrilling and furin (wind chimes) blowing in the breeze.

The weather is hot and sticky, which is perfect for the summer festivals.

A few of my favourite summer activities in Japan

• Enjoying the various fireworks (hanabi) festivals all around Japan.

• Heading to the mountains to beat the summer heat. A favourite retreat is Kamikochi and Karuizawa in Nagano.

• Hiking in the beautiful mountains of Gifu/Nagano.

• Soaking in an onsen (hot spring) after a long hot day.

• Eating festival food like yakisoba (stir fried noodles), yakitori (grilled chicken), takoyaki (octopus dumplings), grilled corn on the cob and chocolate coated banana are just a few of my favourites.

• Gujo Obon Odori Festival in Gifu – dating back 400 years this traditional dance festival lasts for 31 nights and even goes on all night in mid-August.

• Climbing Mount Fuji, which can only be done during the summer months of 1 July to 31 August. I've yet to do this but it is on my bucket list.

• Rocking out at the summer music festivals such as The Fuji Rock Festival and Summer Sonic in Tokyo. This year’s line-up at Fuji Rock includes (Radiohead, Jack White, Noel Gallagher and The Stone Roses).

On a side note, this is my 400th post :) It has been a great 2+ year journey on this blog and look forward to many new posts.

Obon Odori


  1. Summer sure is a fun time in Japan.

    Too bad we always missed the matsuris and the fireworks when we were there.

    1. Thanks Lina, a great time to be in Japan if you like it hot with lots of fun festivals and events. They usually last from July to August and there is stuff happening all around Japan.


    2. Lina, but haven't we already decided you'll be here next summer? :D

  2. Are you seriously saying you like to soak in a hot spring after a super hot and humid summer day??? Personally I'd never do that! *g*

    For climbing Mt. Fuji you need a LOT of good luck.
    When I wanted to climb it there was a typhoon going on, so we had to cancel. We waited a few days, but there was a nother typhoon. We decided to climb it nevertheless and made it to the top, but no nice view as it was super cloudy and rainy.
    Another friend had to stop halfway and go back down because of a dangerous thunderstorm approaching.

    1. Thanks Zooming Japan, I promise you there is no better way to cool down after a hot day than a soak in a hot spring. Have you heard about people eating hot and spicy food in the summer to cool down? It is pretty much the same principle. Yes, you do need a lot of luck to climb Fuji-san and the weather is very changeable.


    2. Yes, actually I drink hot tea in summer to cool down, but soaking in a hot spring is just ... I can't do that! *g*

    3. It does seem odd but definitely give it a try and you will never turn back :)


  3. I also like Hnabi. It's well written. I can't wait to visiting Hanabi festivaln in Kawaogoe.

    1. Thanks Cocomino, We always get excited about the hanabi, too. We are lucky to have two big fireworks displays over the Nagaragawa in Gifu.


  4. Congrats on your 400th post! Keep up the good work! (^O^☆♪

    1. Thank you kindly Haikugirl, Hope you continue to stop by and enjoy the posts :)


  5. Congratulations on posting nr 400!

    July is definitely the best month in Tokyo: so many festivals! Also water melon and cold soba and cold beer. You should celebrate nr 400 with a cold beer! ;)

    1. Thanks Rurousha, July is the best time for festivals and fun in Tokyo and around Japan. Summer food is cool isn't it. We love unagi (broiled eel served on rice) in Gifu and of course, lots of cold beer :)


  6. These are my favo(u)rites:

    • Heading to the mountains to beat the summer heat. A favourite retreat is Kamikochi and Karuizawa in Nagano.

    • Hiking in the beautiful mountains of Gifu/Nagano.

    Swimming (in a pool, even, but preferably at the beach) is good, too.

    1. Thanks StarBrooke, Can't beat heading to the mountains in summer. Do you have any cool places you head to? Swimming is always good, but unfortunately no beaches around us in Gifu. Tried swimming in the Nagaragawa once and almost got swept away :(


  7. Thank you so much for all the green information and the Information on the your Services. It is a lot to think about.

  8. Im so glad to be back so I can do those things again. And we've been lucky that the weather has remained relatively cool compared to usual so far

    1. Thanks Thomas, A lot of people don't like the summer in Japan because of the heat, but there is so much to do during the summer months. Sounds like it could be a late summer this year.


  9. Congratulations on the big 400! Keep them coming mate :)

    And as for summer, heading to the mountains is just great. For those who live in a big place like Tokyo, getting out into the country just like heading into a different world. The humidity and heat mostly disappear, and you can just relax walking around. And enjoying those onsens is great too!

    1. Thanks Rohan, It has been great fun and as you know I love posting about Japan. A lot of people from Tokyo head to resorts like Karuizawa in Nagano to beat the summer heat. Do you have a favourite summer retreat?

