Japan Australia Pages

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Kentucky Chicken Rice Sandwich

The Kentucky Chicken Rice Sandwich went on sale at KFC in Japan on February 7th. The bun less sandwich features ketchup rice, cheddar cheese special tomato sauce, and special mayonnaise sandwiched between two pieces of the Colonel’s Original Recipe chicken fillets.

Kind of reminds me of the KFC Double Down, which made its debut in Australia last year. The Kentucky Chicken Rice Sandwich is on sale for 450 yen (USD$4.80).

This is what the sandwich looks like:

The KFC Chicken Rice Sandwich comes wrapped in paper

Looks a bit of a mess but is pretty tasty

A good look at the ketchup rice, tomato sauce, mayo and cheese

A poster advertising the KFC Chicken Rice Sandwich

At first sight it looks like a pile of mess and doesn't look too appetizing. It is also quite expensive at 450 yen. How does it taste? It tastes pretty good and I liked the flavour combinations, but it is very high in carbs. I don’t know how you are meant to eat it as a sandwich as it’s quite messy. I ended up eating it all separately with my hands.

The Kentucky Chicken Rice Sandwich is only available in Japan until February 27th.

Check out my video of the KFC Chicken Rice Sandwich below

I’m interested to hear from you guys what you think of it. Have you tried it or would you be willing to give it a try?

Visit the KFC Japan website for more details


  1. Ketchup rice, mayonnaise and cheese? (@_@) I haven't had it, but I'd be willing to give it a go ... but only if I can't have MosBurger instead!

    PS: I found myself missing soy sauce while I was in South Africa. Oh, man, Japan has corrupted me!

    1. Hi Ru, You have definitely been in Japan too long if you are having soy sauce withdrawal symptoms :)

    2. Ru,
      There's plenty if dot sauce in Malaysia. Come come hahaha

  2. is this chicken rice? LOL


    how's the taste again? :-D

    1. Hi Lina, Yeah, Kind of like chicken rice without the chicken. Pretty tasty :)


  3. OMG! What is this??
    It looks all delicious, but it looks so weird to put this all together in ONE sandwich! *g*

    1. Thanks ZJ, An interesting combination and definitely worth a try :)


  4. Gotta say it isn't "pretty" but I'll bet it's good.

    1. Thanks, Isn't pretty but tastes pretty good if you don't mind a bit of a mess :)

