Japan Australia Pages

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Matcha Green Tea KitKat

Just tried a new version of Matcha KitKat called オトナの甘さ Matcha KitKat. This is a new series of KitKat made for adults with a less sweet flavour. オトナの甘さ means Adult Sweetness. A KitKat geared towards adults! KitKat is really popular in Japan and they are always coming out with new seasonal varieties.

They also make great おみやげ (souvenirs) as each region has their own unique specialty flavour.

This flavour is Matcha which is a type of Japanese green tea where the tea leaf is ground into a fine powder. The Matcha is from Uji which is a region of Kyoto famous for their green tea.

How does it taste? Matcha KitKat tastes really good and the flavour is not too strong. It’s not as sweet as your regular KitKat but sweet enough and the Matcha flavour really hits you as an aftertaste with a slightly bitter note.

We picked up this KitKat for 50 yen ($USD$0.50) which contained three bars inside.

Matcha KitKat

Three of  these delicious bars in one pack

Close-up of the Matcha KitKat


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Lina, It was really good and the prefect sweetness. Give these a try if you can find them :)

  2. I'm tempted :D I love green tea, green colour and sweets that are not too sweet.

    1. Thanks Ekaterina, If you like green tea, I think you will really like these :)

  3. I'll have to visit my nearest konbini, pick up a few and mail them southwards. My family and friends love these special KitKats! ^^

    1. Thanks Ru, Definitely give these a try as they are really good and not too sweet. Just right in my book :) These would make for some great souvenirs for back home.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Maria, Definitely give these a try and they come with Japan Australia's stamp of approval with 5 thumbs up :)

  5. This Matcha Kitkat is definitely perfect souvenir from Japan. They are always in my fr idge too :) Can't resist to get them whenever they are on promotion.

    1. Thanks Dar, Totally agree! The perfect souvenir from Japan and would be popular with most people. We gotta have some for ourselves as well as they are just so good :)

  6. I'm obsessed with these! I pretty much buy them every time I go grocery shopping. I also tried red bean flavour a little while ago, which was pretty tasty too.

    1. Thanks Jessica, I can see why as they are so good. Oh, red bean flavour. I'll have to try and find that one :)

  7. I just tried this very same KitKat flavour today! I definitely liked the level of sweetness but I felt like the matcha flavour was too subtle! Still yummy though, and a nice change from the regular KitKat flavours we get here in Australia. :)

    1. Thanks Ladybird, Yes, agree with you there, It is a subtle flavour and the matcha flavour hits you more as an aftertaste. Still really enjoyed it and would have it many times again. Not sure if this one is in Australia :)

  8. Can you get these in Australia? Have not been able to track them down here.

    1. Thanks Lisa, Not sure if you can get these in Australia. Maybe online. Definitely give it a try if you find it :)

  9. These showed up in our local JA in Okinawa a few months ago. Like regular kitkats they're even better if you freeze them. Way too addictive though.

    1. Thanks Benjamin, They are really good! I'll have to try them frozen now which is just perfect for the warmer weather here in Gifu :)

  10. They sell plenty of these at Don Quixote allover Japan

    1. Thanks Anon, Good to know! I'll have to get a few more of these :)

  11. I didnt buy enough of this when I was in tokyo! and at home in australia I cant find them anywhere *sobs* it tastes soooo good

    1. Thank you Quackaa, It is my favourite KitKat and we are lucky that they are still around in Japan. I believe you can buy them online through sites like Amazon

  12. Replies
    1. Thank you! This is one of my all-time favourites :)
