Japan Australia Pages

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Summer Snacks in Japan

One of the great things about living in Japan is the seasonal food and drinks that come around every year, and summer in no exception. Summer 2013 in Japan has seen a great range of summer snacks hit the shelves at conbini (convenience stores) and supermarkets around the country. A few of my favourites have been:

Summer Pocky

Two new summer flavours of Pocky came out for summer 2013. These are Tropical Pocky and Coconut Pocky. Tropical Pocky is very fruity with the Pocky stick covered in mango cream and infused with bits of pineapple. Coconut Pocky features the Pocky stick covered with chocolate and coconut. It was delicious and definitely is our favourite of the summer Pocky.

Coconut Pocky & Tropical Pocky

Passionfruit / Cookies & Cream KitKat

Two new summer versions of KitKat also hit the shelves this summer. Passionfruit KitKat and Cookies & Cream KitKat. Passionfruit KitKat is very sweet and has a strong fruity passionfruit taste. Perfect for any passionfruit fan. Cookies & Cream KitKat is best eaten cold straight out of the fridge or freezer, and is very sweet and delicious. It's hard to beat our all time favourite Matcha Green Tea KitKat but these come close.

Passionfruit KitKat

Cookies & Cream KitKat

Crunch Caramel & Vanilla

Crunch Caramel & Vanilla is also recommended to be beaten cold and is super sweet. It has a great texture and is very good.

Crunch Caramel and Vanilla

Watermelon Chocolate Chip Cookies

Watermelon or Suika is an extremely popular summer flavour in Japan and you will find it in all sorts of things.These Watermelon Chocolate Chip Cookies are a very interesting idea and taste pretty good.

Watermelon Chocolate Chip Cookies

Calbee Salty Lemon Potato Chips

These have been our favourite summer potato chip with a great lemony taste that is just perfect with a cold beer.

Calbee Salty Lemon Potato Chips

Pepsi Shuwa Shuwa Cola Corn Snacks

An unusual flavour that really does taste like Pepsi with that refreshing shuwa shuwa (fizzy bubbles) feeling! They are basically Cheetos that are covered in a fizzy cola powder.

Pepsi Shuwa Shuwa Cola Corn Snacks

What is your favourite Japanese Summer Snack for 2013? Please leave your answers in the comments below.


  1. Replies
    1. The KitKat were really good Lina. I've been enjoying the Cold Cookies & Cream straight out of the fridge :)

  2. I've heard about the Pepsi flavored chips on the news. I think I would try it, despite being iffy about it. ^^; Pocky is definitely one of my number one favorite snacks! I love it~ <3

    1. I love Pocky too! There are always so many different flavours to choose from. I actually really liked the Pepsi chips! Very interesting taste and feeling :)

  3. My favourite summer snack so far? Häagen-Dazs Butter Cookie Caramel Scotch!

    Never mind summer, though. Have you noticed that autumn beers have been released? It's bizarre to see autumn leaves on tin cans when it's 36 degrees out there, but ... that's Japan. :)

    1. Thanks Ru, That Haagen-Dazs sounds really good! I hear they are coming out with some new flavours as well :) I have seen the autumn beers on the supermarket shelves as well. Very early considering how hot it still is!

  4. I haven't seen the coconut pocky yet! I'll be keeping an eye out for that!

    1. Thanks Jessica, We really liked the coconut Pocky. You can't beat the coconut and chocolate combination for summer :)

  5. i love all the snacks above, especially the kit kat.

    1. Thank you Cquek, They were all very good and I loved the KitKats, especially the cold Cookies & Cream :)

  6. The Passionfruit Kit Kat are really good - my favourite so far. Running a close second is Strawberry. I saw these flavours, as well as Matcha/Green Tea, Cookies & Cream, Dark Adult Sweetness, and Matcha & Sakura at a konbini in Sydney CBD last week. The Matcha/Green Tea flavour is available in many Asian grocery shops at the moment.

    I saw that Kit Kat Japan has recently released 'Pumpkin Pudding' flavour - in time for Halloween.

    1. Thanks Sparky, My favourite has been the Adult Sweetness Uji Matcha. So Good! Glad to hear you can get all those great flavours there in Sydney. I also tried the Halloween Pumpkin Pudding flavour, which was really good and very sweet. I posted pictures of it on my social media channels as well as on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDqE5NZYBPE
