Japan Australia Pages

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Sakura Cherry Blossom Ice Cream in Japan

Häagen-Dazs have just released a Sakura Cherry Blossom flavoured ice cream to celebrate their 30th anniversary in Japan. It is really good with the ice cream containing powdered cherry blossom petals, and is topped with a sour cherry sauce. It is available at supermarkets and convenience stores in Japan from February 3. They have also released a rose flavoured ice cream as well, but we didn’t quite fancy tasting that one. The rose ice cream is a strawberry based ice cream with two kinds of roses included. It is topped with a pink plum sauce. This is the first time that Haagen Dazs has released a flower flavoured ice cream. We certainly hope the sakura one become part of their regular line-up.

The ice cream cost 198 yen (USD$2) at our local supermarket, or 284 yen (USD$2.84) at convenience stores for a 100 ml tub.

Sakura is synonymous with spring in Japan and when various sakura flavoured goods start hitting the stores you know that spring is just around the corner. I hope this great tasting ice cream is a sign of just that with the warmer weather on the way.

Sakura Cherry Blossom Ice Cream

Rose Ice Cream

Haagen Dazs 30th Anniversary in Japan Ice Cream

We picked up a 100ml tub at our local supermarket for 198 yen

Pretty in Pink

Love that Sour Cherry sauce on top

You can watch my video below on the Sakura Cherry Blossom Ice Cream

Haagen Dazs Japan Website


  1. Wow! See, this is the stuff we need to know.

    1. Thanks Bronwyn, This is the good stuff we here at Japan Australia discover for our fans :)

  2. Ooo. I'll have to brave today's icy cold wind to go look for this! :)

    1. Definitely worth braving the cold for some of this Ru, It was really good!

  3. I also bought them, but it's still too cold, so I don't feel like trying them! *g*

    1. Cold weather is the best time to eat ice cream Zooming Japan! I hope you give them a try soon :)

  4. wish i could find it here, in Malaysia.

    1. I hope it becomes part of their regular line-up :)

  5. WIsh I can ask you to send some over. LOL

    1. I wish I could send you some over Lina, but afraid it might melt by the time it reaches you :)

  6. Mm it looks delicious! Wish I was there to try it

    1. Thanks Malice, It was really good! Will have to have some more soon :)

  7. huwaaaa I envy :((
    I hope it will also release in my country :((

    1. Thank you Meidiana, I hope so too. It would be great it this becomes a regular flavour.
