Japan Australia Pages

Sunday, November 16, 2014

American MaleWhore in Tokyo Interview

We are lucky to have the privilege at Japan Australia to interview John Box, the loveable (OK, likeable) main character of the new book, American MaleWhore in Tokyo: The Great White Host. John moved to Tokyo to become a host and live out his version of the modern day American dream. I’m sure many of us have thought about living this dream, but John has actually gone ahead and taken the plunge as a male host in Tokyo.

WARNING! This interview is intended for people who like a laugh and don’t take the world too seriously.

Japan Australia: How long have you lived in Japan? 

John Box: On and off for like seven or eight years now. Every once in a while I philander, but she always takes me back.

Japan Australia: What brought you to Japan? 

John Box: Originally, it was money. I was in need of a job and interested in travel and happened upon an ad in the Village Voice (NYC). Fortunately, there was an outbreak of SARS at the time and only one other dude showed up for the interview. He was like 80 so I got the job.

Japan Australia: So you were the last man standing so to speak. This is your second time in Japan, right?

John Box: Yes, this last time around, it was money and sex. As you’ll find in the book, it struck me that what I really wanted to do with my life was to get paid by chicks to drink, flirt, and do the deed with them. To become the Great White Host.

Japan Australia: What fascinates you most about Japan? 

John Box: Good question. At first it was the booze in vending machines. Unreal! Then it was the used high school girl panties in vending machines. Holla! Now – and this is gonna be a little anti-climactic – it’s probably the TV dramas. They are mind-bogglingly awful. And they just repeat the same crap over and over and over and over. I think that’s the reason why the suicide rate is so high here. Really awful TV.

Japan Australia: How did you get into the writing caper? 

John Box: I kept a journal during my first tour in Japan and it turned into a self-proclaimed smash hit. It’s called Memoirs of a Douchebag and it was a finalist for the 2007 Literary Agents, Publishers, and Book Critics Can Eat a Log of Shit Award.

Japan Australia: Did you make that award up?

JB: No.

Japan Australia: Really?

JB: Yeah, really.

Japan Australia: Seriously? 

JB: Okay, fine. I made it up.

Japan Australia: How come you were only a finalist and not the winner? 

JB: Next question please, John.

Japan Australia: Which writers inspire you?

John Box: Hemingway, Heller, and Vonnegut. And to an extent, Tucker Max. The fact that his writing while occasionally funny is for the most part garbage yet he still rakes in the bucks was without a doubt a big motivator for me.

Japan Australia: I love the cover of the book. Who designed the cover and why did you choose it? 

John Box: Thank you very much! I love the cover as well. Partly because I love the design and more partly because there’s a picture of me on it. It’s based on the cover for my first book, Memoirs of a Douchebag, the design for which was created by a good friend and colleague at Skull & Bones Publishing. I can’t recall his name, but I think he based the background on a White Stripes album. You gotta love brother-sister bands. Keep it in the family, ya know?

Japan Australia: Thank you for your time today, John! 

John Box: No problem. I was pleased as punching a puritan when I found out you’d be interviewing me and it’s been a great experience. Thank you very much for having me!

If you want to hear and find out more about John Box, get your hands on a copy of American MaleWhore in Tokyo. The book is an explicit and groin-grabbingly entertaining story that sheds light on a little known world here in Japan.

American MaleWhore in Tokyo is available in paperback on Amazon and Kindle.

It is also available on Createspace.com

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