Japan Australia Pages

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Why Visit Japan in 2012

Japan has had a rough 2011, with the March earthquake and tsunami disaster hurting tourist numbers, but Japan is the place to visit in 2012.

Why visit Japan in 2012?

The Food – Japan has been named the country with the most restaurants in the world with three Michelin stars.

The Beauty – Spectacular landscapes that include lush mountains, valleys, seascapes, waterfalls, autumn foliage and white powder snow just to mention a few.

The Culture - Japan has a traditional culture that stretches back millennia, and is a country of contrasts with beautiful temples and gardens along with ultra modern and high tech cities.

The Events – The major events in Japan in 2012 are:

Feb. 6-12, the Sapporo Snow Festival attracts more than 2 million people every year, boasting hundreds of snow statues and ice sculptures.

Mar-Apr, Cherry Blossoms festivals and hanami held throughout Japan.
June, the Great Japan Beer Festival - takes place at Yebisu Garden Palace in Tokyo.

July. 27-29, Fuji Rock Festival featuring the reformed Stone Roses - Naeba ski resort.

July-Aug, Summer Firework Festivals held all around Japan.

Aug. 15, Obon a traditional Buddhist festival in memory of family ancestors (Festival of the Dead).

I hope this has inspired you to visit Japan in 2012


  1. I am trying so hard to be able to go to Japan again in 2012!!

    I want to be in Japan NOWW T_T

    & I wish plane tickets didn't cost 2400 dollars (;;)

    I've also never been to a matsuri in Japan!! so if I go in 2012, I will definitely go to one <3

    thank you always for your inspiring posts! ^ ^

  2. And also there are those cool Japanese musicians! ^_^

  3. Thanks エミリー❤, It is one of the places to visit in 2012. The good thing is with new budget airlines appearing prices should drop and be cheaper than ever :)

  4. Thanks Ekaterina, Yes, there are lots of cool and unique Japanese musicians, singers, bands and groups :)

  5. fun japan blog you have here!!
    and yess, help Japans economy out by visiting is very important! it will be super expensive, but its all for the best. hahah

  6. I am planning to travel to Japan at the end of March 2012 and I would like to know how is the whether on that period of the year. Thank you for advise.

  7. Thanks Make it Easy, Glad to hear you enjoy the blog. Japan's economy does need the help and we can help by visiting the country as a tourist. Good news is it shouldn't cost too much with cheaper flights predicted and Japan is actually a place you can travel around on a budget quite cheaply :)

    Thanks Mr.R.M., the end of March is a great time to visit Japan and you should hopefully be able to catch the famous cherry blossoms. The weather depends on which part of Japan you plan to visit. Places like Tokyo and Kyoto will be mild with temperatures of around 12-15C during the day :)
