Japan Australia Pages

Friday, December 2, 2011

Entrance to Kiyomizu–dera Kyoto Japan

This week’s Japan Picture of the Week is the famous entrance to Kiyomizu-dera in Kyoto, Japan. Kiyomizu-dera (清水寺) means "Pure Water Temple" and is a temple first built in 798. It is one of the most famous landmarks of Kyoto and attracts a lot of tourist, especially during the cherry blossom season.

To get there take the No. 206 or 207 bus from JR Kyoto Station and get off at either the Kiyomizu-machi or Gojo-zaka bus stop. From there it is a 10-15 minute uphill walk to the temple.

Entrance to Kiyomizu-dera in Kyoto, Japan


  1. Good info. And great photo, Japan Australia. :)

  2. Thanks Lina, It is one of my favourite places to visit in Kyoto and you can easily spend many great hours here :)

  3. great info. i wish to visit there one day.

  4. Thank you Loveforfood, it is a must see place on any visit Japan, and is always near the top of my list for any trip to Kyoto :)

  5. Oh yes, Kiyomizu-dera is a wonderful place, with great architecture and views over Kyoto and the magical little lane ways leading up the hill with their wonderful and interesting shops - ah, I wish I was there right now, sigh!

  6. Thanks rObfOs, Probably my favourite place in Kyoto with Kinkakuji. I love walking up Chawan-zaka with all the little shops selling snacks and souvenirs, and the views over Kyoto from the balcony are breathtaking. I love it in spring and autumn with all the great colours :)
