Japan Australia Pages

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring Equinox Day (shunbun no hi)

Today March 20th is Spring Equinox Day or Shunbun no hi (春分の日) in Japan. This national holiday was first established in 1948 as a day to admire nature and the love of living things. The holiday occurs on the date of the vernal equinox in Japan Standard Time and usually falls on March 20 or 21.

The three days immediately before and after Shunbun no hi is a seven day period called the spring equinoctial week or higan in Japanese. It is a boundary marking the end of winter coldness.

This is the time of year when spring break starts in Japan.


  1. Guess what? Mother Nature is playing along and has given us a beautiful sunny day in Tokyo, not too cold, not too hot, perfect for a long walk. Happiness. :D

  2. Thanks Rurousha, Glad to hear that Mother Nature has cooperated and you have a beautiful spring day in Tokyo. Hope you enjoy the great outdoors today and your long walk :)

  3. I was wondering what this holiday was..! I asked all my Japanese co-workers, and no one knew Lol
    I wish I could go out an enjoy the holiday..! D:

    1. Thanks Alyse, It is a hard one to explain but hopefully my post filled you in. Did you do anything outdoors to enjoy the special day?

  4. How nice to have a holiday and be able to enjoy the blossoms. :)

    1. Thanks Lina, Always nice to get a holiday but the cherry blossoms are late this year. They should start in Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto and Nagoya around the end of March and reach peak bloom around early April.

  5. I spent my holiday slogging around in the mud (prepping my garden for Summer). It rained most of the day in Okinawa! So much for Spring.

    1. Thanks MTJ, Glad to hear you spent the holidays outdoors and enjoying nature, shame about the rain. Hope you managed to get the garden ready for summer :)
