Japan Australia Pages

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Matcha Green Tea

Matcha is a type of Japanese green tea, which is produced by steaming young green tea leaves, which are then ground into a fine powder. Matcha is very healthy because the whole leaf is consumed. This method delivers a huge dose of polyphenol catechin compounds, including epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which is known for its antioxidant activity.

Studies have suggested that tea polyphenols can help halt the replication of the influenza virus and rev-up T-cells, the first line of defence against nasty microbes.

How Can I Use Matcha Green Tea? To make matcha, place a teaspoon in a small bowl, pour simmering water over the top and whish briefly.

You can also add matcha to smoothies, baked goods and whipped creams.

One of my favourite Japanese desserts is Matcha Ice-Cream

Makes about half a litre


• 1 tbsp green tea powder
• 2/3 cup sugar
• 3 egg yolks
• 3/4 cup milk
• 200ml pure cream


1. Mix the tea powder with two tablespoons of sugar.
2. In a seperate bowl, mix egg yolks with remaining sugar.
3. Pour milk into pan and heat gently. Be careful not to boil it.
4. Remove from heat and mix some of the milk into the green tea mixture.
5. When you have a smooth paste, add it to the remaining milk in the pan.
6. Whisk in the egg yolks and leave to cool.
7. Whip the cream then add to the cold green tea mixture.
8. Freeze


  1. It looks awesome. I want to try it soon.

    1. Thanks Kingrpg, It is really good so please give it a try :)


    2. Hi Japan Aust- awesome article! I love Matcha but i struggled so much to buy any in Australia- specially not from Japan! I wanted to tell you about a matcha company though john- its zengreentea.com.au- absolutely awesome matcha from japan too! Anyways its heaps better than T2 which is a really dull colour- this ones bright green. Can you post some more info on matcha for me read? Thanks! I love Japan!

    3. Thanks Anon, Hard to find some of the better Japanese green tea in Australia. I'll try and post more info in the coming months.

  2. My first reaction when I read your headline was, "Matcha - best in ice cream!" Then I continued reading and voilĂ , great minds think alike! ;)

    1. Thanks Rurousha, Great minds do think a like. Matcha goes amazing with cream or ice-cream. I am actually really enjoying drinking it at the moment as well. The Ito-en brand of Matcha is good and I recommend it.


    2. My husband and son loves the ice cream. Me... not so much unless there is a huge dollop of azuki that comes with it. ;p

    3. Thanks Lina, Sounds even better with a dollop of azuki on top. The ultimate Japanese dessert :)


  3. Matcha ice cream is also our favorite. The taste goes well with the cream, indeed.
    I'm sure that I'll buy it soon.(not may cook it.) :)

    1. Thanks Cocomino, Yes it makes a great partner for cream. It is so easy to buy in Japan so I don't blame you for doing that :) As long as you enjoy it is the main thing :)


  4. Lol, when I saw this post before reading it, the first thing that popped into my head was that my favorite way to have Maccha was with ice cream (^_^)

    1. Hi Thomas, Thanks for stopping by. Yes, that seems to be a common feeling. I guess Matcha and Cream is just a perfect matcha :)


  5. Matcha ice cream is the bomb my friends. Unfortunately it hasn`t been discovered by most of the world yet...

    1. Thanks Rohan, I guess its up to folks like us to spread the word. Maybe one day it could become a regular flavour just like chocolate, strawberry or rum & raisin .


  6. I used to drink about 5 cups a day of Ito-en matcha fixed with boiling water and topped with a little milk. (I substituted this drink for coffee.) Not drinking it now because I have to be off caffeine temporarily. Love it, though.

  7. Thanks StarBrooke, I'm really enjoying this brand and drink around 3 cups a day. I also have a sweeter version of the Ito-en matcha, which I've yet to try :)


  8. I love green tea! If I find that on store, I'd try it. ^^

    1. Thanks Weeklyristinw, It is great stuff isn't it. Please give the Ito-en matcha a try if you find it in store.


  9. I think matcha-lattes from Starbucks are what really hooked me there since I don't drink coffee. At my local convininece store they have these great matcha icecream sandwiches with a hard shell. Of course, just sprinkling some matcha over vanilla icecream works great too, though its probably not as fun as making it from scratch.

    1. Thanks MTJ, There are so many great uses for Matcha. We also love the different drinks they have at Starbucks in Japan and a favourite is the matcha-lattes. I've just started drinking Matcha at home on a daily basis. Love the taste and really healthy :)

